Storiq One API  v1.0
API for Storiq One

Archive Format

How does it work?

If the user inputs an id, the function returns information concerning the corresponding archive format, regardless of the other parameters.
Else if the user only inputs a name, the id of the corresponding archive format is returned.
Else (user leaves both fields blank), an array of supported formats is returned.

When inputting an ID

To get an archive format by its id use GET method :

path : /storiqone-backend/api/v1/archiveformat/?id=<integer> 
id: id of an existing archive format

Example of request :

GET http://api.storiqone/storiqone-backend/api/v1/archiveformat/?id=1 

Response :

    "message": "Query succeeded",
    "archiveformat": {
       "id": 1,
       "name": "Storiq One",
       "readable": true,

When only inputting a name

To get an archive format id by its name use GET method :

path : /storiqone-backend/api/v1/archiveformat/?name=<string> 
name: name of an existing archive format

Example of request :

GET http://api.storiqone/storiqone-backend/api/v1/archiveformat/?name=LTFS 

Response :

    "message":"Query succeeded",
    "archiveformat id":2

Returning an array of supported formats

To get archive format id list, use GET method : without reference to specific id or ids

path : /storiqone-backend/api/v1/archiveformat/ 

Optional parameters

Name Type Description Constraint
order_by enum order by column value in : 'id', 'name'
order_asc boolean TRUE will perform an ascending order and FALSE will perform an descending order.
order_asc is ignored if order_by is missing.
limit integer specifies the maximum number of rows to return. limit > 0
offset integer specifies the number of rows to skip before starting to return rows. offset >= 0
To get multiple archives ids list do not pass an id or ids as parameter
HTTP status codes :
  • 200 Query succeeded
Archive format id list is returned
   "message":"Query successful"
  • 400 Incorrect input
  • 401 Not logged in
  • 500 Query failure