Storiq One API
API for Storiq One
user activate or deactivate a user by it's key. An activated user have a key 'Null' while a deactivated user have a key until he is activated. To update users and then to get users ids list, use GET method :
path : /storiqone-backend/api/v1/user/update
Optional parameters
Name | Type | Description | Constraint |
login | string | update a user specifying its login | |
isadmin | string | update a user specifying if the user is admin or not | 't' for true, 'f' for false |
user | string | update a user which is a admin | |
key | string | update a user with his key | 'NULL' for user activated, 'key' for an not activated user |
Users ids list is returned { { "message":"Query succeeded","users" => [2] } }